Then move on to combat knives (there's one you can steal sticking in a table of the side room at the Vikki & Vance in Primm once you get ED-E and maybe 400 ammo for the SMG you can repair at Doc Mitchell's, head north from Goodsprings and take the side path up the hill to Chance's Grave to get his Knife, if you're brave :), and finally get a Katana and mod it up (check the wiki article for where to check for the mods every Wednesday and Sunday the first store with Katanas is Cliff in Novac).

I usually have high luck, but don't make much use of it other than gambling for tons of caps, Just been doing one myself actually. The strongest builds focus on great perk synergies or utilizing the best weapons in the game to pump out extreme levels of damage, one-shot enemies, or minimize the damage you take. Remember: VATS is your friend and you get double damage with melee weapons during it. As a courier once left for dead by a mysterious man in a striped suit, the player must now set out to find his assailant and uncover the secrets of the enigmatic ruler of New Vegas. I want some subscriptions for some high luck builds (skills, weapons, etc). So basically I had to hustle more luck out of the game just to even get my money back from the casinos. I'd do it even if the xp penalty stacked - I still have no problem reaching level 50 in all my characters with the Lesson Learned perk.

In New Vegas there are tons of quests, and many enemies give 50 XP, which was reasonably rare in Fallout 3.

Most criticals come from sneak attacks, anyway. Focus on melee weapons that have a bonus to crit chance and/or damage - the Broad Machete you get from the starting equipment DLCs will do you for a while, or the Machete you can find in the abandoned shack just north of the Yangtze Memorial. Unarmed/Throwing Weapons Build: FrizzleFry: 2: 8/5 1:43AM: Thank you interplay. The casinos don't use real shoes, they just randomize what card comes out next based (I guess) on your luck skill alone.