It’s a lush, lavish game with hours and hours of questing and gameplay, a character progression system that’s flexible and robust, a satisfyingly and endearingly cheesy storyline about fate, destiny and heroism that manages to subvert quite a few ‘heroic fantasy’ tropes even as it plays them exceedingly straight, and in general is just an amazing game. It’s on my top ten list for best CRPG of all time. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is one of the best CRPGs published in the past ten years.

And then there are games like Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, which are released a few months later and which just seem to miss people’s attention despite being, hands down, one of the best games of the past decade. There are some games that debut with a huge splash, such as The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, which came out in November of 2011 and dominated pretty much every platform it was available on, with legions of loyal fans seemingly overnight. This tunnel will lead directly to Moonglade and once there it is a short jog, or ride to Nighthaven where you can get the flightpath for the zone.Games come and go. Once this is achieved it is a matter of simply taking the tunnel within the hold that snakes north on your minimap. The first step is to find Timbermaw Hold in northern Felwood and complete that factions reputation quests, or grind reputation by killing Deadwood Furbolgs until they are at least Unfriendly to you and you have unhindered access to the inside of Timbermaw Hold. The less suicidal method of getting to moonglade will require you to be of sufficient level to travel and fight in Felwood. So why incur a bill? Option 2: Timbermaw Hold It’s a good idea to do this for Alliance players too, as you WILL have to kill yourself to reach Moonglade regardless.

This is why it is recommended that you strip off all of your gear and leave it in your bank to avoid heavy repair costs.

This method will be more difficult for Horde players, as traveling through Darkshore can attract the attention of Sentinel Guards.